IT Asset Disposition

Are you seeking a secure, sustainable, and profitable solution for managing your business's unused or retired IT assets? Our IT asset services are designed to take the burden off your shoulders, ensuring responsible handling and providing a return on your investments. As the age of IT assets continues to grow, many businesses lack the resources to manage these assets effectively. Here's how we can assist you:

Key Services

  1. Data Security Priority:

    • We prioritize data security by implementing data sanitization practices that exceed industry standards. This involves removing all data from all data-bearing devices to safeguard your sensitive information.

  2. Logistics Management:

    • If necessary, we can handle the logistics of transporting your assets to our secure warehouse, streamlining the process for your convenience.

  3. Recycling Best Practices:

    • Our commitment extends to recycling best practices, minimizing environmental impact and contributing to a circular economy. By following eco-friendly methods, we aim to reduce CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.

  4. Value Recovery:

    • We specialize in extracting maximum value from your IT assets. Our experts assess the market value of your equipment, considering factors such as age, condition, and technological relevance. This ensures that you receive the highest possible return on your retired assets.

Moving Forward

To initiate the process, we request the following steps:

  1. Provide Detailed Information:

    • Include make, model, and serial numbers of your devices.

    • Specify the quantity and condition of the assets.

    • The more information you provide, the more accurate our quote will be.

  2. Logistical Needs:

    • Inform us of any specific logistical requirements for the transportation of your assets.

  3. Audit Reports:

    • Upon receiving your assets, we will generate audit reports, assuring you that your data is secure. These reports detail the assets we have received, providing transparency in the process.

  4. Asset Valuation:

    • We will assess the age and condition of the assets and inform you of the value you can expect to receive. Our valuation process is transparent, ensuring clarity and fairness.

Contact Us

If you have any further questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are committed to providing a seamless and efficient IT asset management experience for your business.